


冥王星之外 太阳系可能真的存在第九颗行星_压寨斗牛app

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冥王星之外 太阳系可能真的存在第九颗行星_压寨斗牛app

2025-02-08 03:29:01

本文摘要:There might be a ninth planet in the solar system after all, and it is not Pluto.太阳系也许还是享有第九颗行星,不是冥王星。

There might be a ninth planet in the solar system after all, and it is not Pluto.太阳系也许还是享有第九颗行星,不是冥王星。Two astronomers reported on Wednesday that they had compelling signs of something bigger and farther away — something that would satisfy the current definition of a planet, where Pluto falls short.两名天文学家于周三通报,他们找到了令人信服的迹象,指出不存在一颗更大、更加很远的天体——该星体将符合目前对行星的定义,而冥王星则不合乎。“We are pretty sure there’s one out there,” said Michael E. Brown, a professor of planetary astronomy at the California Institute of Technology.“我们非常确认有那么一颗行星,”加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology)的行星天文学教授迈克尔·E·布朗(Michael E. Brown)说道。What Dr. Brown and a fellow Caltech professor, Konstantin Batygin, have not done is actually find that planet, so it would be premature to start revising mnemonics of the planets.布朗博士和他的同事康斯坦丁·巴蒂金(Konstantin Batygin)仍未确实寻找那颗行星,所以现在改动行星名单还为时过早。

In a paper published in The Astronomical Journal, Dr. Brown and Dr. Batygin lay out a detailed circumstantial argument for the planet’s existence in what astronomers have observed — a half-dozen small bodies in distant elliptical orbits.布朗和巴蒂金在《天文学杂志》(The Astronomical Journal)上牵头公开发表了一篇论文,明确提出详尽的外间,指出天文学家们观测到的现象——在很远的椭圆轨道上运营的六个小天体——证明了这颗行星的不存在。What is striking, the scientists said, is that the orbits of all six loop outward in the same quadrant of the solar system and are tilted at about the same angle. The odds of that happening by chance are about 1 in 14,000, Dr. Batygin said.这两位科学家称之为,一个引人注目的现象是,这六个天体的轨道全部坐落于太阳系的同一象限内,并且弯曲角度大体一样。巴蒂金回应,这种情况纯属巧合的概率约是1.4万分之一。A ninth planet could be gravitationally herding them into these orbits.有可能有第九颗行星通过引力将这些天体拖入这样的轨道。

For the calculations to work, the planet would be at least an equal to Earth, and most likely much bigger — perhaps a mini-Neptune with a mass about 10 times that of Earth. That would be 4,500 times the mass of Pluto.要想要理论正式成立,这颗行星最少要和地球尺寸非常,很有可能要小得多——大约相等于一颗小海王星,质量是地球的10倍、冥王星的4500倍。Pluto, at its most distant, is 4.6 billion miles from the sun. The potential ninth planet, at its closest, would be about 20 billion miles away; at its farthest, it could be 100 billion miles away. One trip around the sun would take 10,000 to 20,000 years.冥王星运营到远日点时,距离太阳46亿英里。这颗未来将会沦为第九大行星的天体距离太阳最近时是200亿英里,更远时有可能是1000亿英里。绕太阳一周必须1万到2万年。

“We have pretty good constraints on its orbit,” Dr. Brown said. “What we don’t know is where it is in its orbit, which is too bad.”“我们对它的轨道参数有了不少理解,”布朗说道。“我们尚能不告诉的是它在轨道上的方位,这过于差劲了。

”Alessandro Morbidelli of the d’Azur Observatory in France, an expert in dynamics of the solar system, said he was convinced. “I think the chase is now on to find this planet,” he said.法国蔚蓝海岸天文台( d’Azur Observatory)的太阳系动力学专家亚历山德罗·莫比德利(Alessandro Morbidelli)实在可靠。“我指出现在的目标是寻找这颗行星,”他说道。This would be the second time that Dr. Brown has upended the map of the solar system. In January 2005, he discovered a Pluto-size object, now known as Eris, in the Kuiper belt, the ring of icy debris beyond Neptune.如若证实,这将是布朗第二次政治宣传太阳系的图谱。

2005年1月,他找到了一颗大小相等于冥王星的天体,坐落于海王星以外的充满著冰结碎块的柯伊伯带上(Kuiper Belt)。它如今命名为阋神星(Eris)。The next year, the International Astronomical Union placed Pluto in a new category, “dwarf planet,” because in its view, a full-fledged planet must be the gravitational bully of its orbit, and Pluto was not.第二年,国际天文学联合会(International Astronomical Union)就把冥王星归属于取名为“矮小行星”的一个新的类别,因为在该学会显然,一颗名副其实的行星必需需要清空轨道上的其他天体,而冥王星做到将近这一点。The first indication of a hidden planet beyond Pluto had come a couple of years earlier. The Kuiper belt extends outward from Neptune’s orbit, about 2.8 billion miles from the sun, to a bit less than twice Neptune’s orbit, about five billion miles.在此之前两年,科学家就首次找到了冥王星以外有可能不存在隐蔽行星的迹象。

柯伊伯带上从海王星的轨道向外伸延,仍然到相似海王星轨道两倍的地方,也就是产于在距离太阳大约28亿英里到50亿英里处。Astronomers expected that beyond lay mostly empty space.天文学家指出,那以外应该完全空无一物。Thus they were surprised when Dr. Brown and two colleagues spotted a 600-mile-wide icy world at a distance of eight billion miles that remained well outside the Kuiper belt even at the closest point in its orbit.所以,当布朗和他的两名同事在80亿英里近的地方找到了一片直径600英里的冰雪世界时,科学家们极为车祸。

就连该天体运营轨道的近日点也在柯伊伯带上以外。No one could convincingly explain how the object, which Dr. Brown named Sedna, got there, and the hope was that the discovery of more Sedna-like worlds would provide enlightening clues.布朗把它命名为赛德娜(Sedna)。没有人需要对这颗天体为何经常出现在那里做出令人信服的说明。

科学家期望,将来找到更好的类似于天体,从而获取能带给灵感的线索。Instead, astronomers looked and found nothing, deepening the mystery.但事与愿违,天文学家的搜索一无所获,让此事显得更为扑朔迷离。

Finally, in 2014, Chadwick Trujillo, who had worked with Dr. Brown on the Sedna discovery, and Scott S. Sheppard, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, reported a smaller object in a Sedna-like orbit, always remaining beyond the Kuiper belt.最后,2014年,曾和布朗联合找到赛德娜的查德威克·特鲁希略(Chadwick Trujillo)与坐落于华盛顿的卡内基科学研究所(Carnegie Institution for Science)的天文学家斯科特·S·谢泼德(Scott S. Sheppard)通报,找到了一颗较小的天体具有与赛德娜类似于的轨道,仍然运营在柯伊伯带上以外。Dr. Trujillo and Dr. Sheppard noted that several Kuiper belt objects had similar orbital characteristics, and they laid out the possibility of a planet disturbing the orbits of these objects. “It was the best explanation we could come up with,” Dr. Trujillo said.特鲁希略和谢泼德注意到,柯伊伯带上的几个天体有类似于的轨道特征。他们明确提出了一种假设:有可能不存在一颗行星,正是它影响了这些天体的轨道。

“这是我们能想起的最佳说明了,”特鲁希略博士说道。But the particulars of their proposed planet did not explain what was in the sky, Dr. Brown said.不过,布朗称之为,他们明确提出的这颗行星的参数却无法解释太空中的现象。“The theorists didn’t really take it seriously,” he said. “They figured it was all some observational effect. The observers didn’t take it seriously, because they figured it was all some theoretical thing they couldn’t understand.”“理论领域的学者没当回事,”他说道。


”Still, the peculiarities of the orbits appeared genuine.然而,它们轨道的特殊性显然是现实的。Dr. Brown said he and Dr. Batygin “sat down and beat our heads against the wall for the last two years.”布朗回应,他和巴蒂金“过去两年躺在那里,想破了脑袋。”First, they focused on the six objects in stable orbits and disregarded others that had been recently flung out by Neptune.他们开始把重点放到正处于平稳轨道的六个小型星体上,仍然考虑到近期被海王星抛的其他天体。

That made the picture clearer.局面豁然开朗。“They all point into the same overall direction,” Dr. Batygin said. “This is in stark contrast with the rest of the Kuiper belt.”“他们都指向大体一样的方向,”巴蒂金说。“这和柯伊伯带上的其他天体截然不同。

”Besides the long odds of this alignment being coincidental, Dr. Batygin said, this pattern would disperse over time.且不说这种一致性纯属巧合的几率有多小,巴蒂金回应,这样的运营模式也本应随时间的推移而减弱。That argued for the force of some unseen body guiding Sedna and the others.他们指出,这是不曾找到的星体在更有赛德娜和其他天体。Dr. Batygin, a theorist, tried placing a planet among them, which scattered some Kuiper belt objects, but the orbits were not sufficiently eccentric.作为理论天文学家,巴蒂金企图将一颗行星放置其中。这覆没了柯伊伯带上中的不少天体,但构成的椭圆轨道的离心率仍然过于大。

Then he examined what would happen if a ninth planet were looping outward in the opposite direction. That, Dr. Batygin said, gave “a beautiful match to the real data.”随后,他假设有第九大行星在忽略方向向外绕。巴蒂金回应,结果呈现“与现实数据极致的给定”。

The computer simulations showed that the planet swept up the Kuiper belt objects and placed them only temporarily in the elliptical orbits. Come back in half a billion years, Dr. Brown said, and Sedna will be back in the Kuiper belt, while other Kuiper belt objects will have been pushed into elliptical orbits.计算机仿真表明,该行星将柯伊伯带上的天体全部新的配对,只是继续被移往在椭圆形轨道中。巴蒂金回应,五亿年后赛德娜不会返回柯伊伯带上,而其他天体也不会被跳入椭圆形轨道中。Another strange result in the simulations: A few Kuiper belt objects were knocked into orbits perpendicular to those of the planets. Dr. Brown remembered that five objects had been found in perpendicular orbits.仿真中另一怪异的结果是:小部分柯伊伯带上天体被撞向了与其他行星互为横向的轨道。

根据巴蒂金回想,在横向轨道中找到了五个天体。“They’re exactly where we predicted them to be,” he said. “That’s when my jaw hit my floor. I think this is actually right.”“它们几乎处在我们预测的方位上,”他称之为,“我怒得下巴都掉地了。我指出这应当是对的。”Dr. Morbidelli said a possible ninth planet could be the core of a gas giant that started forming during the infancy of the solar system; a close pass to Jupiter could have ejected it. Back then, the sun resided in a dense cluster of stars, and the gravitational jostling could have prevented the planet from escaping to interstellar space.莫比德利回应,有可能不存在的第九大行星,或许是一个气态巨行星的核心,自太阳系初期就开始构成;有可能当它经过木星时被引力抛掷近了。

当时的太阳处在密集的恒星群中,而引力的拉扯有可能制止了这颗行星逃亡到星际空间。“I think they’re onto something real,” he said. “I would bet money. I would bet 10,000 bucks.”“我实在他们这样下去有戏,”他说道,“我不敢开玩笑。我赌博一万块。

”Dr. Brown said he began searching for the planet a year ago, and he thought he would be able to find it within five years. Other astronomers will most likely also scan that swath of the night sky.巴蒂金称,他早在一年前就开始找寻这颗行星,他指出自己可以在五年内寻找它。其他天文学家很有可能也不会去搜寻那一片夜空。If the planet exists, it would easily meet the definition of planet, Dr. Brown said.他说道如果这颗行星知道不存在,它应当能只能相符对行星的定义。

“There are some truly dominant bodies in the solar system and they are pushing around everything else,” Dr. Brown said. “This is what we mean when we say planet.”“在太阳系有一些十分显赫的星体,它们不会大肆冷落其他一切天体,”巴蒂金说,“这就是我们说道的‘行星’的意思。



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