“压寨斗牛app(官方)最新下载IOS/安卓版/手机版APP”遏制购物欲神器出世 再买买买就电手
本文摘要:For many of us, checking our bank balances can result in a nasty shock if they have been unable to control their spending habits.对我们很多人来说,如果控制不了购物习惯,查阅银行存款余额的时候就不会目瞪口呆。
For many of us, checking our bank balances can result in a nasty shock if they have been unable to control their spending habits.对我们很多人来说,如果控制不了购物习惯,查阅银行存款余额的时候就不会目瞪口呆。But now a British company is hoping to turn this into a real physical sensation.但是现在,一家英国公司期望把这种愤慨转化成生理上的现实感觉。A wristband that delivers a 255 volt electric shock can now be linked to bank accounts, to send a shock when the users bank account reaches below a certain threshold.现在,一款可传导255伏电击的手环可与银行账户初始化,一旦用户的银行存款上升到一定的额度,就不会升空电击。
The wristband was first launched in 2014 by a US-based company called Pavlok.此款手环在2014年由一家叫作巴甫洛克的美国公司第一次发售。At first it was designed as a personal coach on your wrist and, to encourage the development of good habits and could even be used to help stop overeating.最初,这款手环的设计思路是“手腕上的私人教练”,可以希望良好习惯的教导,甚至需要用作制止暴饮暴食。
Now British firm Intelligent Environments has launched software that can link the wristband to peoples bank accounts.现在英国的智能环境公司早已发售了一款需要初始化手环和银行账户的软件。The idea behind the shocking invention is that the two milliampere shock will condition wearers to develop and stick to good habits by associating the bad habits with the uncomfortable yet effective shock.这一发明者令人震惊,其背后的点子是,两毫安的电击虽不难受,却可以有效地修正坏习惯,不利于配戴者构成并坚决较好的习惯。It could also be used to save heating bills, by working with smart metres and encouraging people to turn their thermostats down.它还可以与智能电表合作,希望人们下调暖气温度,节省供暖费用。Chief executive David Webber said the idea was about consumer choice.首席执行官大卫韦伯说道,此点子是为了协助消费者做到自由选择。
This is about reacting to changes in your financial well-being, he said. Willpower is great if youve got it - not everybody has.他说道:“这款设备目的协助人们应付财务状况的变化。如果你意志力强劲当然很好,但不是每个人都能掌控寄居自己。
”But Professor Alan Woodward, a cybersecurity expert from Surrey University, told the BBC the more connections which are made between devices, the greater the risk of a security weakness.但是萨里大学网络安全专家艾伦伍德沃德教授对BBC说道,初始化的设备就越多,安全性风险越大。According to reports, the device can link to a customer’s bank account, which could leave the door open for cybercriminals to access bank details. Liviu Itoafa, security researcher at Kaspersky Lab said.卡巴斯基实验室安全性研究员利维乌相结合亚法说道,“据报导,这款手环可以和顾客的银行账户初始化,为黑客窃取银行账户的详细信息关上了大门。